In starting Gracelife we have looked at the beginning of Christ’s ministry in Mark we have been challenged to assess our own following of Jesus. As we saw with the calling of the first disciples, may we also consider what in our lives we need to leave behind as we follow Jesus (Mark 1:16-20). Then this week we considered how Jesus has all authority (Mark 1:21-39). Ironically though, how often are we tempted to maintain our own authority over areas of our lives, living as if we are judge and king?
If Jesus has all authority, then we must joyfully, in response to his grace, give him authority over all.
In 1 Corinthians 7:19-20, whilst challenging the church on sexual immorality, Paul makes this profound statement. He says, “You are not your own, you were bought at a price.”
This might be the most countercultural thing we could believe today, but it is true. We are not our own, we do not belong to ourselves, we belong to God. For two reasons, 1. God created us, and thus he has a rightful claim to ownership (if we would refer to it in such a way). But that isn’t what Paul points to, the second reason is 2. because God has purchased us at a price. Think about this. God created humanity to live for his glory, and so he owns everything, yet we sinned, and rebelled and separated ourselves from his goodness. How does God respond? He purchases back that which he already owns with the precious blood of his own Son. That is outrageous grace!
This is the basis of our identity. Our value isn’t set by our intrinsic worth or extrinsic performance, it is set by the most valuable thing in the universe, the person of Jesus Christ.
Paul then goes on to say ‘therefore, honour God with your bodies.’ Since we belong to God, let all of our lives be honouring to him. Give him all authority, because he graciously gave his Son to declare his love for us. Give him all of your life, because all of you belongs to him and is to be used for his glory.
- Therefore, what do you need to leave behind and submit to the authority of Jesus in?
- What are you neglecting to seek Christ’s authority in? (Parenting, marital conflict, submitting to a boss, using our wealth… for all these and more there is a Christ-like, Biblical way of approaching them, do you seek it out?)
- What do you need to remove from your life that is influencing you to give your affections and attention to something other than Jesus?
Grace to you, glory to God.